In order to get someone out of their own bad behavior, you have gotsta start with yourself.

You can’t remove someone else’s head from their ass if you’re pooped out the other end.
-First, take a break and get yourself together so that we know what our goal is: To change these people or just vent frustration over them? Next loosen up those anal coils by doing something fun with friends instead of sitting at home stewing about how bad things are going wrong!

You can’t remove someone else’s head from their ass if you’re pooped out the other end.
-First, take a break and get yourself together so that we know what our goal is: To change these people or just vent frustration over them? Next loosen up those anal coils by doing something fun with friends instead of sitting at home stewing about how bad things are going wrong!

First, stop thinking about your own ass. Then you can remove someone else’s head from itsASS
The first step is to take off the seat of one’s pants and think only on how best I may extract this other fellow who seems bent on remaining stubbornly rooted where he sits like an unwanted tree in my living room floorplan — but alas! If there’s anything stronger than rap music playing at full volume inside his cranium then surely by now that must’ve woken him up too damn good– because if not…well

I have a question for you. Do any of these sound familiar? “I’m so tired,” or, “This is going to take forever.” You’re probably saying those things because they feel true inside your head right now – but if we want them to change from being just words on paper and become something more real in our lives then one thing needs fixing: We need an outside perspective! One where someone else tells us what really matters–not how stressed out/lashful etc., which can all be changed by getting some sleep; rather having friends tell us when we’ve gone too far with self-care (easing off social media at night?) And lastly: What would make YOU happiest right NOW

My friend, you are not the first person to notice that their life has become one long series of “heads-I’m stuck here!” moments. I know this sounds too easy but all it takes is removing our own heads from our asses before trying something else on for size!
Funny how when we’re young everything just feels so big–big houses with lots of room to grow into; cars worth more than most paychecks in a lifetime…but then once those bills start coming due – bam!–you realize where exactly your priorities need some adjustment.

First, you must remove your own head from the ass before attempting to do so with someone else.

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